Luciano Bertoli
Frattempo. Le curve di Mandelbrot
Palazzo da Mosto, 21 September – 24 November 2024
- Thrusday: 10-13 e 15-19
- Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10-19
- 1 e 24 November: 10-19
- Last entry half an hour before closing time
The exhibition, a retrospective dedicated to Luciano Bertoli, the first in his hometown following his death in 2021, is promoted by Fondazione Palazzo Magnani and curated by Martina Corgnati.
The main body of the exhibition, aimed at re-evoking the interest and originality of a research-based approach – far removed from the artistic and commercial mainstream – consists precisely of the paintings called Frattempo. Le curve di Mandelbrot, which highlight the artist’s keen interest in the exact sciences.
A mysterious, colourful and material series of works, writes Martina Corgnati. Dense and thick backgrounds, with a gelatinous and mobile appearance, on which amoeboid bodies float and in which bubbles open up to reveal intrinsic, obscure spaces, from which equally soft, often prominent round bodies emerge: not real blobs but organic globules, like worlds in the making.
The Mandelbrot set, named after the Polish physicist who discovered fractals, is a set of complex numbers, outlined graphically in 1984 and popularised by a cover of the well-known popularisation magazine Scientific American. Bertoli quickly grasped the aesthetic potential of this complex mathematical object, however, leaving aside any attempt at reproduction, he instead constructed a new universe of images inspired by it, yet with a predominantly organic and tactile matrix.
My images, wrote Luciano Bertoli, are the result of pure intuition, of mathematical auscultation, invented by a visionary who loves quantum physics, visualising what can only be intuited, imagined, i.e. the origin of the universe of Niels Bohr and Max Planck’s quantum mechanics. Aesthetically, I emphasise colouristics, vibrations, spatiality, everything that remains unexplored except by the mind’s eye.
The exhibition is enhanced by a rich section dedicated to works of the previous period – paintings, sculptures, graphics, drawings and assemblages – so as to provide the public with the essential components of an experimental path in materials and techniques, underpinned by a genuine curiosity for the world of machinery and technology, the protagonists of the society he lived in and of other possible, futuristic, science-fiction civilisations.
In the ’70s and ’80s, the artist worked on hibernating landscapes, self-generating constructions, mechanical animals, metallic eroticism, plasticised and electric ideal cities, installations and sculptures, as well as folders of drawings and graphics characterised by technical perfection and attention to detail. The same care that the artist reserves for the sketches: rather than sketches, they are genuine engineering projects, functional to the mechanisation of his sculptures, many of which are designed to be placed outdoors.
Combining magic and media, Julius Verne’s fantastical spirit and the rigorous approach of an engineer, over fifty years of research Luciano Bertoli managed to grasp aspects of surgery and computer science, cybernetics and medicine that were not even conceivable at the time, making art – as the curator concludes – “an instrument used so as to be in time, in one’s own time, as a bridge to project intuition and intelligence towards the world, the universe and its laws.”
A catalogue published by Silvana Editoriale with a critical text by Martina Corgnati accompanies the exhibition.
Buy your ticket online or at the ticket office of Palazzo da Mosto
Free admission on Saturday 12 October, the 20th Contemporary Day.
Concessions: over 65, people with disabilities, groups of at least 10 people, membership card affiliated institutions, Card Cultura Bologna, YoungER card
Students: students from 19 to 26 years old with a university card
Free admission: carers of people with disabilities, children under 6 years-old, members of Fondazione Palazzo Magnani, press-accreditated journalists, members of Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Strozzi and Camera, ICOM members
Family tickets (to be purchased only at the ticket office of Palazzo da Mosto) :
2 adults + 1 kid 11 €
1 adult + 2 kids 14 €
2 adults + 1 kids 19 €
2 adults + 2 kid 22 €
2 adults + 3 kids 25 €

Animals are not permitted in the exhibition, with the exception of guide dogs.
A fee-based dog sitting and dog walking service is available with Bauadvisor and can be booked at least 24 hours in advance at this link
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