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Mission and History

Our mission

Fondazione Palazzo Magnani promotes the visual arts through exhibitions and cultural activities. It privileges interdisciplinary dialogue, intercultural encounters, and interchange between different forms of knowledge. In this way an exhibition becomes a cultural project, an occasion designed not only to offer visitors the opportunity to observe valuable works, but also and above all to provide an opportunity for comparison, reflection, growth, criticism and sharing one’s personal knowledge and convictions.

A constant source of research are workshop-based experiential and narrative approaches to teaching and learning, in recognition that the practice of art is the major route through which individual development and social cohesion can be reconciled.

Reggio Emilia has long been at the national forefront as one of the cities most attentive towards individuals and their needs throughout the various phases of life, aware of the temporary or permanent difficulties that may occur. We are convinced that art should play a fundamental role in the process of providing support and improvement in matters of health, adversity and vulnerability.

Our history

Since 1997, Palazzo Magnani has been a constant presence in producing exhibitions and cultural projects.


Luigi Magnani prepares to sell the building – his ‘city residence’ – to the Province of Reggio Emilia, in order to convert it into an exhibition venue.

From 15 September to 14 October 1984 he holds an exhibition of his collection of ancient art entitled "Fondazione Magnani Rocca: Masterpieces of Ancient Painting"

Luigi Magnani dies on 15 November 1984.


The local council of Reggio Emilia Province approves the purchase of Palazzo Magnani and the start of restoration works led by architect Ivan Sacchetti.


On 26 April 1997 Palazzo Magnani formally opens with the exhibition "Georges Braque: Sign and Material"


Fondazione Palazzo Magnani is established as a cultural foundation, the initiative of the Reggio Emilia Province in association with private members. The Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose institutional purpose is to preserve and promote the Palazzo Magnani property, as well as advancing and publicising the visual arts, fostering initiatives and cultural events, and promoting the province.


The Municipality of Reggio Emilia joins the founding members. The European Photography Festival and the Restate programme of cultural events are added to exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

The numbers: 2016–2019:

exhibitions and events
euros generated per euro spent
school classes hosted

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